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Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people
Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people
Oak Lodge School For The Deaf
Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people
Oak Lodge is a Wandsworth maintained residential secondary special school for deaf children aged between 11 and 19 years.

Our vision is for our pupils to progress and achieve and to lead healthy and happy lives.

We have a highly qualified staffing team on-site which include Teachers of the Deaf, Speech and Language Therapists and Teaching Assistants all of whom are experienced in working with deaf and hearing –impaired children including those with additional needs.

Oak Lodge School follows a child-centred multi-modal language and communication approach which incorporates British Sign Language, English and Signed Supported English based on the child’s identified strengths and preferred learning style.

The curriculum will incorporate personalised learning and thinking skills, functional skills and enrichment and be underpinned by the Emotions/PSHE curriculum to promote the emotional and physical well-being of all.

Our pupils will follow individualised accreditation pathways covering a wide-range including GCSE, BTEC, Entry Level and Life Skills within the ASDAN framework.

Our Sixth Form supports our students at local colleges to access academic, vocational, practical life skills / skills for working life courses. We also provide further curriculum and life-long learning support within the department.

Deaf First is our adult education department and supports deaf adults of any age. Some are studying at local colleges and need communication support for their lectures. Other students attend Basic Skills courses at Deaf First and train for employment.

Please visit website for more information.

Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people
Oak Lodge School For The Deaf  - Oak Lodge School for the Deaf
Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people
Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people
Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people


Business Link 4 the Deaf, a complete business resource for the deaf community. Find any business in your local area with support for deaf people